Por Su Amor (Because of His Love)
POR SU AMOR means because of His love. It’s also the name of the Peruvian organization that we are in the process of forming.
Because of His love, He has given us a team of people who want to work with us. Right now, it’s not a big team, but it will be growing. The Peruvians that are on our team are committed to not only teaching and helping and evangelizing, but to getting Peruvian churches involved in the process.
We have always tried to establish sustainable works in Peru. We want this work to be able to continue without us and apart from us, growing beyond us. Because we work in the poorest areas of Peru, this work needs support from generous people in Peru, the United States and any other place where God inspires His people to give. But that doesn’t make the work unsustainable. It just means that the giving and the organization needs to be set up in such a way that it doesn’t depend on Mike and Tammy to keep it going.
So what does POR SU AMOR do?
Because of his love, we are teaching pastors and churches. This part of the ministry is called Recursos para Capacitación Pastoral (Pastoral Training Resources). This part of the ministry is about reviving the heart of the evangelical churches. We are doing this by getting God’s Word into people’s hands and people into God’s Word.
This is the part of the ministry that is best known. This is what we have been doing since 2004, first with Mobile Bible Institutes, then through the Evangelical Seminary of Apurimac and its outreaches.
Throughout Peru, churches are not showing God’s love. False teaching and false leadership both take instead of give. The hope of the gospel is often replaced by legalism and religiosity. This is due to Biblical ignorance and secondhand knowledge. Getting the church grounded in the Bible itself produces a healthy and winsome church.
The 2020 Vision project falls under RCP, as we seek to establish 20 pastoral training centers by the year 2020. (And we are on target to achieve that.)
Because of his love, we are giving children shoes, blankets, and school supplies. That’s 1 Caja=1 Sonrisa. (1 Box = 1 Smile). We didn’t start this initiative, but we have been working with it and doing some projects like this ourselves all along, as have other team members. The intense poverty is impossible to overlook.
Sometimes it’s easier to understand love in tangible form. That’s what God does with us. He has given us all things so that we can know Him. Giving this tangible help shows people that the ministry is serious, and is not looking for a way to take advantage. That is especially important because the organization will be seeking Peruvian donations as well as American ones, and the Peruvian culture is full of thieves and tricksters. This causes Peruvians to be very suspicious of any involvement with charitable or religious organizations.
So that’s what Por Su Amor is. You’ll be hearing more about it.